Tips for not falling into despair with the pandemic


Every major crisis produces both a material impact and a psychological impact on the population, and the coronavirus pandemic is no exception.

In this sense, there are many people who notice that the situation exceeds them, and emotional imbalances appear linked to a feeling of despair and anguish .

Of course, feeling anguish and stress in such a context is not a bad thing or necessarily a problem, but a natural reaction to what happens when many things we took for granted stop being so. But many times that psychological state becomes part of the problem, because they keep us in a state of hopelessness that paralyzes us and prevents us from finding solutions and applying them. In this article we will see what to do in those cases.

How do the problems of despair arise in the face of the pandemic?

The sources of stress and anguish in times of coronavirus are many, but the following stand out:

  • Fear of losing work or income
  • Fear of contagion
  • Fear of losing health or losing loved ones
  • Uncertainty about the social, political and economic transformation of the country
  • Discomfort at the mandatory measures applied to avoid contagion
  • Social isolation

Among all these elements, the fact of not knowing what will happen (given that the lack of information on relevant issues associated with crises is usually interpreted from a pessimistic point of view), the stress of having to adapt to an economic reality stand out. more adverse, and the experiences of fear or loss generated by the effect of the virus itself. These are problems that no one was aware of a few months ago, and that force us to “position ourselves” both from our personal life and from our professional life, making efforts to adapt to a new, very complex reality.

Given the idea that mistakes can be expensive in situations like this, it is easy for psychological rumination to appear , which is the tendency to think about the same thing over and over again despite the fact that it causes us discomfort. This phenomenon goes hand in hand with anxiety, which keeps us in an almost constant state of alert despite the fact that this does not necessarily make us more efficient in addressing our problems (in fact, it usually has the opposite effect, paralyzing us by indecision).

 What to do?

The most efficient and effective way to manage the negative emotions derived from the COVID-19 crisis is to go to the psychologist , something that is possible even with mobility restrictions thanks to the online video call therapy format. However, beyond psychotherapy there are also a series of habits and small routines that you can incorporate into your day to day to prevent or mitigate the anxiety problems associated with the pandemic. These are the most important.

1. Set a schedule and print it out

Having a schedule in which the main blocks of activities for every day of the week are included is very important to structure your habits and make good time management .

In addition, it is recommended that you do not limit yourself to having it stored on a computer, but that you print it once or several times so that you can put it in places in your home or in your workplace that are visible. This will act as a reminder of what to do and will also help you keep your short and medium term goals in mind, so you will focus more on them.

2. Establishes a separation between work and private life

Knowing how to clearly define the times and places to dedicate oneself to work and those composed of leisure time and domestic and family responsibilities is essential to maintain a good emotional balance.

The key idea in the previous section helps a lot in this, having a schedule, but that is not enough. We must be actively involved in preventing professional dynamics from “infiltrating” the hours of the day that we should be dedicating to anything else. Otherwise, you will expose yourself more to the obsessive thoughts associated with your work.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises help keep anxiety and intrusive thoughts at bay, and they are also very easy to learn. You can incorporate these practices into your day to day both as a rest in your workday and before going to sleep , for example, to bring you to states of calm and goal orientation at points of the day in which to stay in a state of paralysis and looping thinking could get you more trouble.

4. Exercise at moderate intensity to unwind

Regular exercise sessions will not only help you stay in shape, but at the same time they will make you more resistant to anxiety and help you release tension. It is best to schedule at least two sessions of aerobic exercise a week, lasting between 40 and 60 minutes.

5. Practice relaxation techniques before going to sleep

These techniques will help you to go to the layer having disconnected from possible recurring thoughts that usually lead you to a state of anguish or worry . For example, you can spend about 5-10 minutes on controlled diaphragmatic breathing 

6. Establish preparation rituals for when you go to sleep

It is very important to sleep well and get enough hours, and for this it is best to adopt habits that do not expose us to the temptation of states "a few more minutes" doing anything else when it is time to get into bed and turn off the light.

Therefore, keep in mind that before that part of your day you should have approximately 20 or 30 minutes of preparation in which you will perform actions whose sole purpose is to allow you to go to sleep with everything done: brush your teeth, change the sheets, turn off the computer, close the patio door, etc. Of course, it is recommended that these activities do not include those associated with your work life, because if not, you will probably start thinking about work at the least indicated time for it.

7. Keep your schedule up to date

It is important that you write down in your agenda all those tasks that, however small or seemingly banal they may seem, are part of your responsibilities.

From that moment, you will always be clear about your goals for the next few hours . Keep in mind that thinking above all about what you can and / or should do in the short term will help you not to despair of thinking only about the big tasks that must be done in the medium and long term, which can lead to paralyze due to the intimidating power of these responsibilities seen as a whole. You have to try to "break them up" into small elements to go slowly but surely.

Do you want to have professional psychological assistance?

If you are going through bad times and you notice that it is difficult for you to maintain a good emotional balance, get in touch with our team of psychotherapy professionals.

At Adelaide Hypnosis, Matthew Tweedie, I work serving people of all ages both through psychotherapy for individual patients and through couple therapy and family therapy, as well as from neuropsychology. You can have our help in our psychology center located in Seville, or through our online therapy service.

The 7 problems underlying emotional dependency


In couple relationships there is always a certain degree of commitment and, of course, seeking the company of the person you love. However, some people have an excessive emotional dependence on their partners.

This type of dependency, in addition to having harmful consequences for those who suffer it and also for their environment, also usually has causes that in themselves constitute a problem.

Possible causes of emotional dependency: underlying problems

Emotional dependence is expressed in various ways , but in general there are a series of common characteristics: loss of social life beyond the relationship with the person on whom one is emotionally dependent, constant fear of antagonizing that person or that cut the relationship, and prioritize all the tasks and responsibilities that have to do with preserving that bond.

1. Low self-esteem

One of the most common causes of emotional dependence is the low self-esteem of the dependent person; It is reflected in a poor self-esteem and a constant feeling of inferiority with respect to her partner.

This low level of self-esteem causes the person to judge himself very severely and even blame himself for the belittling or mistreatment received by his partner (if these occur).

Lack of self-confidence also feeds the fear of losing that person, since those who suffer from this problem are not capable of creating other such significant links with third parties.

2. History of abuse or mistreatment

Many of the cases of emotional dependence that a person can present have their origin in a history of abuse, mistreatment or dysfunctional family relationships in childhood that generate situations of dependency and subordination towards other people in adulthood.

A childhood marked by physical or psychological abuse, a paternal addiction, a lack of affection and affection during the first years of life or an insecure and negative attachment style with the parents can generate in the person a series of affective deficiencies, fears and healthy relationship deficits that eventually lead to emotional dependency .

Likewise, having gone through traumatic situations in adulthood, such as cases of abuse or toxic relationships can also lead to the appearance of this type of dependency.

3. Social skills deficits

Some people may lack certain skills necessary to build strong personal and emotional relationships, and this, in turn, is a predisposing factor for dysfunctional bonding .

Thus, people with emotional dependence may feel that they need to put all their efforts into a relationship to preserve it, as compensation for their difficulties when communicating or when trying to present a pleasant or charismatic image.


4. Negative patterns of education and socialization

Another cause that can generate emotional dependence and that originates in childhood is receiving an inadequate education about love and romantic relationships .

A conservative educational model based on the teaching of idealized romantic love can generate negative socialization patterns and a misconception of romantic relationships in the future.

Romantic love is based on a very hermetic conception of gender roles, and the fear of not fitting into them is a factor of vulnerability that gives strength to that constant fear of losing someone you love.

5. Fear of being alone

Many people who have emotional dependency pictures also tend to have a real panic of loneliness, that their partner leaves them and that they are alone .

This aspect is also explained by low levels of self-esteem, low self-confidence and may also be due to an education based on the imposed idea of ​​romantic love that should last forever (and that if that opportunity is lost there is nothing more that can be done in love).

6. Idealization of the couple

The idealization of the partner is another of the classic psychological elements that people with emotional dependence present towards their romantic partners.

In a healthy love relationship, both partners recognize the other person's flaws and accept them, understanding that we are all human and therefore imperfect.

People with emotional dependence idealize their partners so much that they can even tolerate situations of abuse , humiliation or contempt from them, and because of the idealization, they will assume that one is to blame for what happened.

It is also common for some emotionally dependent people to seek authoritarian, dominant and even possessive romantic partners; in short, psychological profiles that favor their own dynamics of dependence and subordination.

7. Other associated disorders

This phenomenon can be caused by other psychological disorders such as personality disorders, or certain anxiety disorders.

What can be done to overcome the problem?

Faced with emotional dependence, it is necessary to go to psychotherapy as soon as possible . Mental health professionals work evaluating the problem and offering tailored solutions to intervene on the root of this behavior pattern and emotion management.
Are you interested in having psychotherapy services?
If in your day-to-day life you experience problems of an emotional nature or associated with your personal relationships and you are looking for professional help, get in touch with us.

Adelaide Hypnosis, Matthew Tweedie Hypnosis Clinic, work on disorders such as anxiety disorders, binge eating disorder, couple crises, traumas, emotional dependence, depression, quit smoking, fear of flying and others. You can contact us on 0411456510 or email us at , and we can also assist you online.

Hormonal acne, stress, heart and digestion


Although we have already passed adolescence, the appearance of our skin affects us a lot at all levels, both physical and emotional; much more when we suffer from facial acne and even more when after visiting the dermatologist, the endocrine doctor and the gynecologist you go home resigned and convinced that what happens to you has no solution since acne is considered a chronic disease ... (in my opinion sometimes they call chronic what they still do not know how to cure, which is not the same).

In many cases, after a long pilgrimage among specialists, the only solution you think you have is to take oral contraceptives for life, with all the consequences that this implies, and try all kinds of creams and lotions that increase your frustration and wear down your budget. . But there is another way to deal with it.

As in so many health cases, opening the focus and stopping looking only at the detail, the symptom, and trying to find the root of the problem, helps us find more creative and convincing solutions.

Certainly many cases of acne are complicated to treat and very persistent but it is convenient to relativize and study each case in depth before labeling a person as chronically ill and reaching the point of resignation. I am not a dermatologist, but I am a naturopath and I treat many hormonal imbalances so I know that hormonal acne is treatable, and above all it should not be a chronic problem.

There are many types of acne : infectious, juvenile, inflammatory, rosacea ... and many factors that can favor the appearance of pimples, blackheads or cysts: using poor quality cosmetics, eating an improper diet, poor hygiene habits, stress, allergies, diseases autoimmune, medications, etc., but the most common acne in adult women is hormonal acne , that is, acne that derives from a hormonal imbalance or is worsened by it.

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Hormonal imbalance

A hormonal imbalance arises when our body is not able to maintain the delicate harmony between estrogens-progesterone-testosterone , at least this is what is often seen; But going a step further in search of the root of the problem, we should also take into account other hormones such as cortisol , insulin or thyroxine . All the hormones in our body follow a unique rhythm, as if they were dancing to a choreography specially designed for you. They live in balance to maintain our metabolism.

Hormonal stress and acne

This good coexistence between hormones is delicate and if there is something that disturbs it, it is stress. I have already talked in other articles about the physical problems that stress brings and the importance of reducing this altered state for our well-being, but if you have acne this point will be vital for you . The stress hormone, that is, cortisol, increases considerably when we face a circumstance that scares us (anxiety, nervousness, frustration, anger ...) and among other physical consequences, cortisol stimulates the secretion of androgens, which in turn increases the production of sebum that favors the appearance of acne or its worsening. But cortisol also reduces blood flow to peripheral areas, skin weakness, glucose metabolism or the regulation of other hormones such as insulin (closely related to hyperandrogenism as well).In short, as you can see, maintained stress wreaks havoc on your body and will be an obstacle when it comes to treating your acne.

Nutrition and hormonal acne

Your diet is another key point for the treatment of your acne. In consultation I have realized that there is a mistaken belief that to treat acne you have to avoid foods like chocolate, nuts and especially any type of fat, but nothing is further from the truth. We must distinguish between bad fats and good and necessary fats; this point marks a metabolic before and after in many cases.But there are many more nutritional aspects to take into account, the elimination of toxins, the sufficient supply of nutrients, the intake of antioxidants, intolerances or malabsorption, the sufficient intake of probiotics ... all this will determine the health of our bacterial flora and in consequence of our skin.

Heart, self-esteem and acne

Our physical appearance affects us all, but when we have a problem with facial acne our physical appearance rises to a much more important position. We feel judged, we feel ugly, insecure or even rejected, which causes us a significant self-esteem problem that needs to be addressed at the same time as our physical body. The relationship between mind, emotion and physical body is evident although some still do not see it, and treating these types of problems by focusing only on 2 hormones or by staying on the surface (the skin) is an understatement . In my opinion, to successfully treat an acne problem, even more so hormonal acne, you must also treat the emotions that derive from it. The heartit energetically symbolizes love (self-love and appreciation) but it is also a precursor of good vitality and a promoter of the blood that waters, nourishes and heals every corner of our body; a strong heart and a sufficient supply of blood and oxygen is essential to cure and treat acne. We must take care of the heart (the assessment) to heal our skin.

 So what can I do?

Surely by reading these paragraphs you have come to new approaches to your acne problem, at least that has been my intention:), and I hope that you have come up with many new ways to take care of yourself with better nutrition, less stress and more love . I know that all of this is easier said than done and sometimes we find ourselves overwhelmed, blindsided and too emotionally exhausted to start a new attempt, but my recommendation above all is that you do not resign yourself . Search within and hold on to the desire to solve your problem and have faith. If you can't solve it yourself, you lack knowledge or mental clarity, seek help.

 I offer you this help to treat your hormonal acne; I offer you my experience and knowledge to find the causes of your problem, studying both the root and the symptoms and developing an integrative plan that makes you feel comfortable and convinced. If you are taking the pill and you are afraid to leave it because you feel that your acne is going to break out again, do not worry, I am not going to tell you to stop the pill (among other things because it would be illegal), but we are going to work on changing your terrain and improve what is necessary so that you are prepared to leave it.

Binge eating disorder. The most common eating disorder among the population


Binge Eating Disorder is an Eating Disorder, like Anorexia and Bulimia. Unlike the latter, it is more frequent among the population, since it affects between 1 and 4% of it. As for the gender of those who suffer from it, a third are men. With regard to age, in contrast to Anorexia and Bulimia, the range is wider, ranging from adolescence to middle age.

Read more about "NLP Training, Coaching Certification and Emotional intelligence"

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

The Binge Eating Disorder has in common with Bulimia Nervosa the irrepressible urge to eat, but extreme behaviors of weight control are not imposed, that is, they do not vomit, they do not practice excessive exercise, they do not use laxatives or diuretics, ... However, body discomfort, obsession with food and weight are equally present and seriously in the person's daily life.

The low awareness of the problem makes these people resort again and again to dysfunctional attempts to solve the problem, failed diets, weight control on the scale, who seek to regain control over food and, paradoxically, make it worse in the long run term.It is a serious mental disorder that causes serious difficulties in the individual functioning of the person and that, in addition, is lived with guilt and shame, which forces the person to hide these dysfunctional behaviors and, therefore, is more difficult than these people Go to a Hypnosis for binge eating for help.

How to detect binge eating disorder? 6 warning signs


  • Recurrent episodes of objective binge eating. They are characterized by amounts that are clearly higher than those that most people ingest.
  • Binge eating is associated with the following characteristics: eating much faster than normal, eating until feeling unpleasantly full, without hunger, sometimes alone due to the shame they feel for eating, and feeling disgusted with themselves, depressed and ashamed.
  • Intense discomfort regarding binge eating.
  • Binge eating occurs at least once a week, for at least three months.
  • Inappropriate compensatory behaviors do not appear as in Bulimia Nervosa.

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We usually find middle-aged women with this type of disorder with some concern for their figure and who have followed diets during their lives, often not supervised by specialists. Consequently, it is during the performance of these diets or restriction that the craving or need to eat food usually appears .

Binge eating usually occurs with foods that have been prohibited, mainly sweets, and large amounts of food are often ingested uncontrollably in a single meal. The person then feels terribly guilty, frustrated and sad and is often a reason to abandon the diet.

The reason why there are people who continuously follow unsuccessful diets is usually because food has been used to alleviate an internal discomfort or to face boredom, loneliness, the feeling of emptiness, ... However, when this escapes from the conscience of the person, usually appears a feeling of failure before the impossibility of losing weight and end up resorting to bingeing again and again.

Risk factor's

Dieting and the tendency to restrict eating are some of the factors that make the appearance of this type of disorder more likely, as well as being overweight or obese are also related to a higher risk.On the other hand, there is usually a dissatisfaction with body image, linked to frequent self-criticism about image or weight.

This relationship with the body can be the consequence of traumatic experiences in childhood such as bullying and constant fluctuations in weight are common, or being overweight during childhood as a precedent. The presence of eating disorders in the family, diet, concern about image and weight, and obesity are risk factors, as well as the tendency to isolation, little support in the environment, low self-esteem and difficulty in identifying and expressing own needs.

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As in all Eating Behavioral Disorders, multidisciplinary intervention is required. It is of great importance not only to do a nutritional and medical follow-up of the person, but also to offer help through psychotherapy and psychopharmacology, if necessary. Failure to carry out this type of comprehensive treatment usually leads to constant relapses that further aggravate the problem. Food addiction in Binge Eating Disorder can be comparable to substance addiction and therefore the risk of relapse is high.Taking a global approach to the problem allows us not only to treat harmful behaviors related to food and weight, but also the associated problems that have caused them and, in this way, the probability of their reappearance is reduced.


More knowledge about Binge Eating Disorder can give people an explanation about what is happening to them and make it more likely that they will ask for help. Coordination with other professionals, nutritionists and doctors is important for its detection, as well as monitoring in schools.The promotion of healthy eating and lifestyle habits is a protective factor that prevents the appearance of a Binge Eating Disorder, as well as emotional education and provision of resources to manage and solve problems. At Matthew Tweedie Hypnosis, specialists in mental health, Adelaide Hypnosis are experts in the treatment of Eating Disorders. We can help you .

Myths and Facts about Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder (BED), an eating disorder more common than anorexia and bulimia, is commonly misunderstood. The lack of knowledge and comprehension has a lot to do with the delay in obtaining the status of an official diagnosis, as BED was only eventually included in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition) in 2013. Binge eating falls into the "Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Defined" type of catchall before the last version of the DSM.

According to Adelaide Hypnotherapist, BED's official recognition as distinctive from others has contributed to awareness-raising, which has in turn increased the scope of insurance and has encouraged more patients to seek care. Sadly , many people can not recognise themselves or their loved one's signs of binge eating disorder. You may think you just need tips to control yourself without understanding the weight of your experience.

Myths about Binge Eating Disorder

Myth: Bingeing is no big deal.


Truth: A binge is not like emotional eating or eating overeating (eating beyond physical plenty). In order for the DSM-5 to be diagnosed with BED, repeated episodes of binge eating are needed which are:

  • Eating a food that is certainly greater than most people would consume in a comparable amount of time in similar situations within a discrete period ( e.g. within any 2-hour period).
  • The feeling that one can not avoid eating or regulate what or how much one eats during the episode (for example).

By this concept, bingeing varies from consuming a big restaurant meal or feeling filled after Thanksgiving. In such times, most people are likely to have eaten completely. Rather, it's a rare experience to binge. It is generally performed in secret, with sentiments of guilt or remorse.

you may be interested in "How to Stop Binge Eating in Two Unusual Steps".

Myth: Binge eating disorder only affects higher-weight people.


Truth: One of the greatest misconceptions is that the size of the body determines a diagnosis of a food disorder. Nothing could go beyond the facts. A specific diagnosis of any eating disorder depends upon the thinking , feeling, and actions of an person, and requires a sense of anguish about the size of the body. * For instance, while the DSM-5, anorexia nervosa criteria require "severe low body weight," people of all sizes may have and must be treated for all the other symptoms of anorexia. Binge eating disorder has no diagnosis, likewise, habits (bingeing) and anxiety levels.

Myth: People who binge just need more willpower.


Truth: Though bingeing can seem self-indulgent — or even gluttonous — it's completely the reverse. Surprisingly, BED is as restricted as bulimia and anorexia. Many people with BED try eating or at least trying to cope with "good" eating to make up for their binges. Usually though, this means undereating, which helps to pursue the binges physiologically. Psychological limitation may also be. When we refuse such foods to ourselves because they are perceived as harmful or banned, they themselves become what we want.

you may be interested in "Can you Stop Binge Eating and Lose Weight?"

Myth: Finding the right weight loss plan will cure binge eating disorder.


Truth: Even medical and mental health experts share this misconception. Sadly, some providers provide services for weight loss along with binge diet therapy. This is not proven treatment and could be harmful. Successful treatment for eating disorders involves weight in which each patient, apart from their body size, is tested on his relation with food and body.

Hypnosis Therapy to Quit Smoking

The hypnosis therapy to quit smoking has delved into society progressively being a treatment considered "soft" with great benefits for the patient. Three million people have decided to try to quit tobacco, although only ten percent of the total will succeed in quitting completely.
The withdrawal syndrome is the main obstacle by which patients who try to quit smoking relapse. You should consider tobacco as a drug, as it causes the same addictive effect.


Hypnosis works on the patient's subconscious

Adelaide Hypnosis is aware of the problems in quitting this unhealthy habit. Our therapists have identified in the subconscious the problem to be able to quit smoking. If we add failure, if we try and fail, the problem worsens. Thanks to the identification of the root of the problem, our therapists can act with clinical hypnosis to Quit Smoking Adeliade, reaching a high rate of people who, with just one session, do not need to permanently smoke a cigarette again.
Of course, your collaboration is vital, the acceptance of the problem and your determination are key factors for the hypnosis treatment to stop smoking being one hundred percent effective.

 Fighting anxiety and increasing self-esteem is decisive

Hypnosis to quit your tobacco addiction basically consists of eradicating the problems caused by not consuming nicotine. Anxiety, mood swings, focusing on increasing self-esteem and motivation, along with a personalized session of hypnosis for not smoking, cause the person to be indifferent to tobacco when leaving.

This treatment for smoking is safe and conscious at all times. At no time will you be induced to fall asleep or lose control. In addition, it is not contraindicated and can be perfectly combined with other treatments. Only those people who have a mental illness or are under treatment of this nature should inform the therapist, who will assess whether hypnosis techniques should be applied to stop smoking. The reason is basically the reduction of the effectiveness of the treatment and, therefore, should be evaluated.

 Identify the factors that induce smoking

It is very important to know how to identify the reasons why our patients smoke. That is why when I made an appointment at any of our centers in Adelaide (I checked on our website) you will be given an informative questionnaire. The purpose is for the therapist to identify the patterns by which he smokes (stressful situations, habits such as, for example, after eating) and thus design the hypnosis session for the patient.

Once the session is over, the therapist will give you a series of instructions and some audios for you to practice at home. These self-hypnosis exercises that you will perform several times a day will reinforce your treatment and strengthen your determination to quit smoking. If you have questions, you can call us by phone that you will find on this website. There is also a form for our customer service team to contact you whenever you want. Think about your health, step up and let us help you meet your goals.


The Top 9 Reasons People Attempt Suicide

It's difficult to understand why a friend, family member, or loved one wants to end life. This decision, whether it results in committing suicide or in trying, has not been seen many times and, when it comes, raises a lot of questions. There are no often obvious warning signs, which also turn out to be a total mystery for someone to commit suicide. But it has to be clear one thing: nobody commits suicide only because of it.


There are some most prominent reasons for suicide, and we're going to see them below.

Most common reasons why people attempt suicide

Many people wonder what caused a beloved to choose his own life. There is always a suicide attempt, a try.

Yet in many the human being ends up doing what he or she wanted to do, raising several suspicions and concerns amongst his family and friends who seek to find out why. The fact that they have not expected it to come causes them tremendous distress, feel guilty, and undergo the survivor syndrome on several occasions.

There are still many myths about suicide,

despite the fact that there are not a few prevention campaigns that have tried to raise awareness about the seriousness of this problem. People who try to kill themselves do so because they are suffering a lot. They believe that it is not worth living on and that whatever is on the other side if there is any, is preferable to the hell they are living. It is not that they do not think about their loved ones, or that they want to hurt them, but that they cannot take it anymore.

The main reasons people attempt suicide are many. Most of them have in common that the person felt hopeless, that there was no light at the end of the tunnel, and that he had to end his suffering. Next, we will see these reasons why a person decides to end her life.


Depression is, unfortunately, the disorder that causes the most suicide attempts, and, also, the one that most people take. One of the main symptoms of severe depression is a constant feeling of despair, suffering, and little hope for the future. Low self-esteem is often a common trait in deeply depressed people, and they feel that they are worthless, that the world would be better off without them.

But although it is the Anixety disorder that causes the most suicides, it is, ironically, the one that has the best chance of being improved with treatment. Depression is not cured by magic, but a person's life can be greatly improved by going to a Adelaide Hypnosis and, if necessary, taking medication. This is why it is so essential to insist on going to this type of professional in case it is suspected that a family member, friend, or acquaintance suffers from this disorder. There are many possibilities to avoid suicide.

Terminal illness

The decision to die by suicide can be highly rationalized, in the sense that the person really wants to die not because they have a mental disorder or feel bad psychologically, but because they are terminally ill. Your life is being shortened by an incurable disease, a medical condition that doesn't matter how many drugs you take, how many operations you have, or what diet you follow - you can't control it. Deciding when to die is the only thing they can control, and they don't want the disease to take it away.

It should be noted, however, that not all chronic diseases are equally disabling or disruptive in the life of the affected person, but there are many that correlate with a higher risk of suicide. It has been seen that chronic diseases that we could consider "mild", such as asthma, back pain, high blood pressure, and migraines can cause suicide almost as much as terminal cancer, brain damage, highly disabling heart problems, late stage of HIV / AIDS disease, Parkinson's disease.

This suicidal motivation is what has made several countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia and Colombia legalize euthanasia. The justification for allowing assisted suicide in some cases is that, given that the person will not be able to enjoy the few years that remain and will live them with great suffering, it cannot be considered human to allow them to die in an unworthy way or who decides to take his own life in a particularly traumatic way towards those around him.

 Alcohol, drugs, and impulsivity

Alcohol and substance use can influence a person's decision to kill themselves. You may already have suicidal ideation while sober, but they are just fantasies or imagining what would happen if you left the world. However, when he has drunk or encounters the high of the drug, he becomes more uninhibited , and within that greater disinhibition is trying to carry out those suicidal fantasies.

On the other hand, there is impulsivity as a personality trait. There are people who, being very upset, all kinds of thoughts go through their heads, including suicidal ones. Either because of the heat of the moment or because they had thought about it for a long time, they try to commit suicide and, unfortunately, sometimes they succeed.

In case of not getting it, both for people who have taken drugs and those who are more impulsive, when they are less upset they feel deep remorse for even thinking about it. They begin to empathize with their family and friends and understand the harm they could have done.

Schizophrenia and psychotic break

Many people with schizophrenia or who are suffering from a psychotic disorder end up committing suicide. Auditory hallucinations can appear in the form of voices, which can make comments to the affected person that are not positive at all. They can invite you to hurt yourself and end your life. The reasons given by these voices do not have to be rational, but the patient sees some kind of sense.

Unlike depression, psychosis and schizophrenia are more difficult to mask, which is, in a certain way, positive since in a patient with these problems the need for professional help becomes more obvious. The downside of these disorders is that they are more tragic, in the sense that they are more difficult to treat and the need for drugs is extreme.

 Request for help

On many occasions, the suicide attempt is a request for help. The person does not want to die but feels that if he does not attract attention in this way his close circle will not take him seriously. It should be said that the people who usually resort to this route are usually adolescents, who lack the means and maturity to express their problems, or people who have difficulty in making known all the suffering they are experiencing, but who effectively want to stop. To feel.

Unfortunately, it is not a few times in which these suicide attempts turn into a consummate suicide, mainly due to the disinformation of the parasuicide. It is recurrent in those who try to commit suicide as a request for help who consume a pill, having an overdose. They think that they will attract attention, they will take them to the emergency room and there they will do a stomach wash and they will be out of danger. The problem is that taking too many pills can seriously damage the liver and kidneys, leading to life-threatening effects.

 Not wanting to be a burden

This is a common reason in people who suffer from a chronic disease, especially when they have to be cared for by family members. As the disease incapacitates them more, they depend more on their relatives, and sometimes they feel that they are a burden and that it would be best to leave the world now.

They want to die because they feel terribly guilty for taking the lives of people who are healthy and who could enjoy their lives if they weren't still alive. When they are still mobile, these types of patients try to end their lives before they can do it for themselves.

Traumatic stress

People who have suffered a highly traumatic experience, such as sexual abuse, rape, physical abuse, or trauma from witnessing a war, are at increased risk of suicide, even if many years have passed after having suffered the traumatic event.

Being diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or having experienced multiple traumatic events increases the risk of success even more. In addition, depression is usually a symptom that appears in these pictures, making the risk even higher. Among the common symptoms of PTSD, we have feelings of despair and a feeling that no one can help them, which is a real-time bomb that lead to suicide.

Fear of failure

In a society where social pressures can be truly intense, the fear of failure and what they will say becomes a very serious psychological problem.

There are few people who consider that not leading a perfect life, according to their own ideals, is synonymous with being worthless. Whether it's walking away from their idealized life or having a bad streak, many decide to end their lives. Some examples of reasons why a person has committed suicide out of fear of failure are:

  • Being arrested or incarcerated.
  • School bullying, humiliation, cyberbullying, workplace bullying
  • Economic problems
  • End of a significant love or friendship relationship
  • Loss of employment
  • Loss of family or friends due to disclosing one's sexual orientation
  • Loss of social status

Social isolation

Social isolation is a serious problem and could be the cause of suicide. There are many reasons that have led a person to feel lonely: break with the couple, divorce, loss of family or friends, social anxiety, mental disorder, illness, retirement, family abandonment ... All of them make the person feel less and less motivated to continue living and end up making the decision to end it all.

But social isolation can not only be a cause of suicide. It can also be behind the appearance of mental disorders, substance addiction, and alcoholism. This is why, especially in the elderly, contact should continue to be maintained with family members who are known to be spending time too lonely, in order to prevent them from committing suicide attempts and to help them seek help professional necessary.