Hormonal acne, stress, heart and digestion


Although we have already passed adolescence, the appearance of our skin affects us a lot at all levels, both physical and emotional; much more when we suffer from facial acne and even more when after visiting the dermatologist, the endocrine doctor and the gynecologist you go home resigned and convinced that what happens to you has no solution since acne is considered a chronic disease ... (in my opinion sometimes they call chronic what they still do not know how to cure, which is not the same).

In many cases, after a long pilgrimage among specialists, the only solution you think you have is to take oral contraceptives for life, with all the consequences that this implies, and try all kinds of creams and lotions that increase your frustration and wear down your budget. . But there is another way to deal with it.

As in so many health cases, opening the focus and stopping looking only at the detail, the symptom, and trying to find the root of the problem, helps us find more creative and convincing solutions.

Certainly many cases of acne are complicated to treat and very persistent but it is convenient to relativize and study each case in depth before labeling a person as chronically ill and reaching the point of resignation. I am not a dermatologist, but I am a naturopath and I treat many hormonal imbalances so I know that hormonal acne is treatable, and above all it should not be a chronic problem.

There are many types of acne : infectious, juvenile, inflammatory, rosacea ... and many factors that can favor the appearance of pimples, blackheads or cysts: using poor quality cosmetics, eating an improper diet, poor hygiene habits, stress, allergies, diseases autoimmune, medications, etc., but the most common acne in adult women is hormonal acne , that is, acne that derives from a hormonal imbalance or is worsened by it.

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Hormonal imbalance

A hormonal imbalance arises when our body is not able to maintain the delicate harmony between estrogens-progesterone-testosterone , at least this is what is often seen; But going a step further in search of the root of the problem, we should also take into account other hormones such as cortisol , insulin or thyroxine . All the hormones in our body follow a unique rhythm, as if they were dancing to a choreography specially designed for you. They live in balance to maintain our metabolism.

Hormonal stress and acne

This good coexistence between hormones is delicate and if there is something that disturbs it, it is stress. I have already talked in other articles about the physical problems that stress brings and the importance of reducing this altered state for our well-being, but if you have acne this point will be vital for you . The stress hormone, that is, cortisol, increases considerably when we face a circumstance that scares us (anxiety, nervousness, frustration, anger ...) and among other physical consequences, cortisol stimulates the secretion of androgens, which in turn increases the production of sebum that favors the appearance of acne or its worsening. But cortisol also reduces blood flow to peripheral areas, skin weakness, glucose metabolism or the regulation of other hormones such as insulin (closely related to hyperandrogenism as well).In short, as you can see, maintained stress wreaks havoc on your body and will be an obstacle when it comes to treating your acne.

Nutrition and hormonal acne

Your diet is another key point for the treatment of your acne. In consultation I have realized that there is a mistaken belief that to treat acne you have to avoid foods like chocolate, nuts and especially any type of fat, but nothing is further from the truth. We must distinguish between bad fats and good and necessary fats; this point marks a metabolic before and after in many cases.But there are many more nutritional aspects to take into account, the elimination of toxins, the sufficient supply of nutrients, the intake of antioxidants, intolerances or malabsorption, the sufficient intake of probiotics ... all this will determine the health of our bacterial flora and in consequence of our skin.

Heart, self-esteem and acne

Our physical appearance affects us all, but when we have a problem with facial acne our physical appearance rises to a much more important position. We feel judged, we feel ugly, insecure or even rejected, which causes us a significant self-esteem problem that needs to be addressed at the same time as our physical body. The relationship between mind, emotion and physical body is evident although some still do not see it, and treating these types of problems by focusing only on 2 hormones or by staying on the surface (the skin) is an understatement . In my opinion, to successfully treat an acne problem, even more so hormonal acne, you must also treat the emotions that derive from it. The heartit energetically symbolizes love (self-love and appreciation) but it is also a precursor of good vitality and a promoter of the blood that waters, nourishes and heals every corner of our body; a strong heart and a sufficient supply of blood and oxygen is essential to cure and treat acne. We must take care of the heart (the assessment) to heal our skin.



 So what can I do?

Surely by reading these paragraphs you have come to new approaches to your acne problem, at least that has been my intention:), and I hope that you have come up with many new ways to take care of yourself with better nutrition, less stress and more love . I know that all of this is easier said than done and sometimes we find ourselves overwhelmed, blindsided and too emotionally exhausted to start a new attempt, but my recommendation above all is that you do not resign yourself . Search within and hold on to the desire to solve your problem and have faith. If you can't solve it yourself, you lack knowledge or mental clarity, seek help.



 I offer you this help to treat your hormonal acne; I offer you my experience and knowledge to find the causes of your problem, studying both the root and the symptoms and developing an integrative plan that makes you feel comfortable and convinced. If you are taking the pill and you are afraid to leave it because you feel that your acne is going to break out again, do not worry, I am not going to tell you to stop the pill (among other things because it would be illegal), but we are going to work on changing your terrain and improve what is necessary so that you are prepared to leave it.