We Feed Immunity

One of the fundamental things to strengthen it is lifestyle, in addition to physical activity, proper nutrition is important. Watchvideo here.

Proper Nutrition plays a key role in Immunity

It is often said, nutrition is the first remedy. This also applies in this case:  malnutrition causes a serious dysfunction of the natural defenses , allowing pathogens to more easily penetrate the body. Diversified and balanced meals must provide all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the whole organism.

But what does what I eat have to do with it?

Even today someone is asking this question (many less fortunately!). It is decidedly obvious that the material that our cells take to create new cells is given by what we introduce into our body. I just wrote "introduce" not "eat". The difference is substantial. Toxins are introduced not only from food but also from air, water and people (emotional toxins), in fact we speak of Epigenetics. Let's add then also incorrect pharmaceutical products and herbal medicines taken at random thinking that they cannot have side effects.

The cell is healthy

If what we introduce is good or closer to what can be considered adequate, our cell (fundamental unit of the body) is fine and replicates in health. If what we introduce is not correct, it is clear that cells will be created in our body with waste materials, producing silent effects for a long time.

Here's what you need

In addition to foods rich in probiotics, which take care of the intestinal flora, foods rich in vitamins and minerals effectively stimulate the functioning of the immune system. Opt for fruit and vegetables of controlled derivation, rich in vitamins and minerals, Linseed oil (I recommend cold-pressed!) Rich in anti-inflammatory omega 3, vitamin D and zinc, dried fruit, rich in magnesium.

The magic of Kefir

I have already talked about it in this article where you will also find the recipe. I encourage you to do it and use it every day, with a few breaks every now and then. Also great for children! A natural and low cost reinforcement for our body.


Researchers have shown this:  letting go of hilarity increases the immune system  . Laughing reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone and increases the amount and effectiveness of immunoglobulins (the antibodies circulating in the body) and lymphocytes. Laughter, a remedy to be used every day and without moderation!

